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Here is my take on the articles, peaching about the use of BBQ sauce on the meats or meats going solo. I BELIEVE that Great BBQ meats should be able to stand on their own! The art of smoking is being able to take meats that are tough and sometimes fiberous and make them come alive with flavor and tendernes. The smoke level, flaovr of the rub should ALL compliment the meat itself, it should never mask the protein flavor. Sauces have theoir place to finish the final flavor adn that becomes a personal opinion of the one eating the BBQ. Sauces can be tomato based, vinegar based and even mustard based! Make sure your sauce compliments the meat that you are smoking. Some are nice on brisket but not on pork. Serve three or four different ones on the table when you serve up your BBQ! BBQ is the oldest cooking known to man, ALL THE WAY BACK to the caveman. (BTW…..there wasn't BBQ Sauces back then!!! They cooked the meat over open fires too make the meat taste better, the art of smoking has developed, changed and been refined over thousands of years! So ALWAYS remember to compliment the meat you are smoking from the wood to the rub to maybe a fiinishing sauce, and enjoy your rewards!!!


Chef Richard


Chimichurri for Latin Grilled Skirt Steak

Chimichurri Aioli

(Yield: 1 quart)


1 ea.          Jalapeno Pepper, roasted

2 oz.          Shallots, mined

1 oz.          Garlic, minced

 In a Food processor, pulse the pepper, shallots and garlic until fine and puree

1/2 cup     Egg Yolks

Add the egg yolks

2 1/2 cups         Salad Oil or vegetable oil

With processor running, slowly add the oil until mixture thickens like mayonnaise.

 2 TB.         Cilantro, chopped

2 TB.         Fresh Oregano

2 TB.         Fresh Flat Leaf Parsley, chopped

1 TB.         Fresh Lime Juice

1 TB.        White Wine Vinegar

to taste     Kosher Salt.

Add the herbs to the mixture while running. Add Lime juice, vinegar to the running processor. Season to taste with the kosher salt.